City guides

From its humble beginnings as a 13th-century fishing village on a river bed to its current role as a major hub for business and tourism, Amsterdam has long-since been a centre of culture and commerce.

Barcelona offers one of the best city lifestyles in the world with superb restaurants, a vibrant cultural scene, lovely beaches and breathtaking landmarks around every corner.

Capital of the largest country in Europe, Berlin is a city that has outgrown its past to emerge as a vibrant, adaptive and modern metropolitan centre.

The pulse of the cultural, economic and political life and offers a wide range of interesting experiences from contemporary fashion, design, architecture and art to historical monuments.

Beautiful city with peace and harmony on every step. National Museum, tracing history from the Stone Age to present, Kasim contemporary art museum and Parliament House are a must.

Though the British like to present themselves as highly mannered, life in the capital can be harsh. As the writer Stephen Fry once put it, “the English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilised, too; common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane.”

As one of Spain’s major tourist centres, Marbella has more than just sandy beaches and sangria to offer – it’s the high-quality service and premium facilities that keep visitors coming back year after year.

Beautifully located by the scenic Oslo fjord, with an extensive shoreline. Vigeland Park, Akeshurs Fortress, Nobel Peace Centre and plenty of museums to visit.

It is the genius of Paris that means it lives up to so many of its own clichés. Romantic, sophisticated, bohemian, glamorous, artistic, seductive, Paris is diverse and generous enough to satisfy them all.

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Visit Stockholms iconic city hall, the world's first open-air museum and the fabulous Abba museum. But there are plenty of little-known facts about this city - including an unusual story about Frank Zappa.